Here it is!
National Small Business Week at the Palo Alto Microsoft Store in Stanford Shopping Center
Getting the job done, by any means necessary.
Rey Flores reviews the different mobile technologies and devices that allow him to stay on top of the ever changing need of his small business clients
Guest Speaker - Rey Flores, formerly a Client Engineer for a major university, hospital, and IT firms in the SF Bay Area, now runs his own IT Consulting firm, managing and generating new projects that may include new technologies to better improve current systems in place, mostly with only mobile devices as his arsenal.
6:00 pm – 6:30 pm Registration and Welcome Reception
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Rey Flores reviews the how he uses the different mobile technologies and devices to keep on top of his different clients' needs. Whether it is a tablet or a smartphone, learn how he manages several small business (Microsoft-based) networks day-to-day, with and without MS devices, not letting them down... and without a laptop!
Palo Alto Microsoft Store
186A Stanford Shopping Center
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Please RSVP at the Stanford Microsoft Store: (650) 798-2900
Mobile Computing SIG of Northern California
Originally founded by Charles Pickrell as the first-ever Pocket PC Usergroup, the Mobile Computing SIG, now led by former MS-MVP (2004-2009): Rey Flores, is made up of mobile professionals and device users of all skill levels and ages. We meet regularly to discuss and experience mobility, such as with PDAs, tablets/notebooks, Smartphones, related accessories, software, wireless technology, mobile services and more.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Back behind the podium...
Didn't think you'd hear from this page again, did you?
I wasn't sure I'd be up to this again, but let's give it a try...
I have an update, and an appearance notice next Monday @ the MS Store in Stanford Shopping Center, stay tuned!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
June meeting: 6/21/2006 @ Microsoft SF, 6:30pm
How I "Pimped out my Mobile Device" Contest!
This month's focus - is on you! I want to know how you customize and use your device, as well as accessorize and what you've installed on it. I'm sure that we'll all get to learn something new and pick up some tips along the way as to other ways we haven't even thought of before...perhaps we'll even have a lively debate on why some of you may choose a software solution over another! Either way, at the end of it, we'll choose the best equipped device and the best tip of the night to win a prize (and yes, I will not qualify)!
If you didn't receive an Evite, invite yourself here:
And of course, our popular open forum! Also, I'd like to seek out additional committee members to help out with the meetings - if you are interested, let's talk!
Special thanks to:
- Glenn Gerlach, Enterprise Mobility Solution Specialist of Microsoft Corporation's Mobile Device Marketing Group, for hosting and contributing the prizes for our event
- MEDC backpack(s) (They're very cool this year!)
- other goodies
This month's focus - is on you! I want to know how you customize and use your device, as well as accessorize and what you've installed on it. I'm sure that we'll all get to learn something new and pick up some tips along the way as to other ways we haven't even thought of before...perhaps we'll even have a lively debate on why some of you may choose a software solution over another! Either way, at the end of it, we'll choose the best equipped device and the best tip of the night to win a prize (and yes, I will not qualify)!
If you didn't receive an Evite, invite yourself here:
And of course, our popular open forum! Also, I'd like to seek out additional committee members to help out with the meetings - if you are interested, let's talk!
Special thanks to:
- Glenn Gerlach, Enterprise Mobility Solution Specialist of Microsoft Corporation's Mobile Device Marketing Group, for hosting and contributing the prizes for our event
- MEDC backpack(s) (They're very cool this year!)
- other goodies
Monday, June 12, 2006
June meeting Evites went out today!
Yes, keep a lookout in your email box for your Evite to this month's meeting - if you aren't on our mailing list, stay tuned as I'll be posting the info and a link to where you can invite yourself over very shortly. In the meantime, do keep this date free:
June 21, 2006 @ 6:30PM
Microsoft San Francisco.
June 21, 2006 @ 6:30PM
Microsoft San Francisco.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Pocket Pollster Alpha Testing!
Hi everyone!
Rober Werner from Pocket Pollster has sent me the following email:
I'm in the final stages of completing my first commercial software package, called "Pocket Pollster". I'm looking for people to test it and have posted a page to this effect here:
If you are interested in trying out his Alpha for free, please visit his site and help him out.
Here's the blurb found on their front page:
Is any part of your business or organization immersed in paper forms? Are you looking for a simple, easy way to get rid of them and still collect the information you require? Would you like to save money in the process? If so, then Pocket Pollster is what you need!
"Oh sure, yet another company promising me the so-called paperless workplace," you may be thinking. We understand your skepticism, but we're different. Really, we are!
Pocket Pollster represents a new generation of software, built from the ground-up with some fundamental principles:
Be easy to use.
Be easy to implement.
Be cost effective.
Work in any organization/business/industry.
Fifty years ago it made sense to gather information using pens & paper. Fifty years ago it also made sense to create a document with a typewriter. Those were the best tools of that age. But it's 2006, not 1956, so why on earth are paper forms still everpresent in our lives?
The personal computer replaced the typewriter for one simple reason: It was a better tool. Pocket Pollster is also clearly a better tool and we would like the opportunity to show you why.
Rober Werner from Pocket Pollster has sent me the following email:
I'm in the final stages of completing my first commercial software package, called "Pocket Pollster". I'm looking for people to test it and have posted a page to this effect here:
If you are interested in trying out his Alpha for free, please visit his site and help him out.
Here's the blurb found on their front page:
Is any part of your business or organization immersed in paper forms? Are you looking for a simple, easy way to get rid of them and still collect the information you require? Would you like to save money in the process? If so, then Pocket Pollster is what you need!
"Oh sure, yet another company promising me the so-called paperless workplace," you may be thinking. We understand your skepticism, but we're different. Really, we are!
Pocket Pollster represents a new generation of software, built from the ground-up with some fundamental principles:
Be easy to use.
Be easy to implement.
Be cost effective.
Work in any organization/business/industry.
Fifty years ago it made sense to gather information using pens & paper. Fifty years ago it also made sense to create a document with a typewriter. Those were the best tools of that age. But it's 2006, not 1956, so why on earth are paper forms still everpresent in our lives?
The personal computer replaced the typewriter for one simple reason: It was a better tool. Pocket Pollster is also clearly a better tool and we would like the opportunity to show you why.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
June meeting pre-notice!
Hi everyone,
I'm just setting up a quick message to let you know that we will be holding our June meeting on the 21st from 6:30pm-9pm @ Microsoft SF.
I'm hoping it will be as lively as you can make it as I would like to see how each of you uses your mobile device or have customized or "pimped" them up!
Prizes will be given to the best customized device and the best suggestion or tip used to improve one's device and you'll be participating in the voting! (What would you think about posting a sneak preview of your device in the new forums?
As per our last meeting, watch out for the Evite, no meeting rule in effect ;-)
I'm just setting up a quick message to let you know that we will be holding our June meeting on the 21st from 6:30pm-9pm @ Microsoft SF.
I'm hoping it will be as lively as you can make it as I would like to see how each of you uses your mobile device or have customized or "pimped" them up!
Prizes will be given to the best customized device and the best suggestion or tip used to improve one's device and you'll be participating in the voting! (What would you think about posting a sneak preview of your device in the new forums?
As per our last meeting, watch out for the Evite, no meeting rule in effect ;-)
Monday, May 01, 2006
Do not adjust your set! You are in the right place!
That's right - if you were trying to get to the Mobile Computing SIG of Northern California, you are definitely in the right place!
For those of you visiting for the first time let me introduce myself:
Rey Flores, Microsoft MVP (Windows – Mobile Devices):

Co-Host, The Mobile Community Series:
Board of Experts:
Contributing Editor:
- I've been Co-Chair of our group since March 2003 and MS-MVP since April 2004.
So, if you didn't already know, the reason for our new site is that our original site was hacked twice in the last 30 days so we can only speculate that the forums were inherently unsecure, so now we have a new approach, just in time for Spring!
Anyway, this will serve as our new homepage so that we can alleviate the hosting costs Charles had been putting up for us all this time. I have also joined forces with headed up by fellow MS-MVPs Jaap van Ekris and Bart Martens where we can post helpful articles and tutorials for continued reference - please visit and register on their site too!
Fellow MS-MVP, Chris De Herrera, has graciously offered space on his personal server to host our NEW News and Discussion forum link on the right-hand side.
Our meetings will be posted here and in our forums, provided I have sent out an Evite - no Evite, no meeting so that as not to create any confusion.
There will definitely be a meeting next month, Thursday May 18th @ 6pm and it will focus on the implementation of an Exchange Server and what Windows Mobile devices can be used with it conducted by a fellow MVP and community member Steven Lai.
For your reference, here are the future meeting dates for the year:
Thursday, May 18th 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, June 21st 6pm-9pm
Thursday, July 20th 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, August 16th 6pm-9pm
Thursday, September 21st 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, October 18th 6pm-9pm
Thursday November 16th 6pm-9pm
These dates are reserved for us at the Microsoft offices in downtown SF but the meetings are tentative and subject to change - remember: no Evite, no meeting.
For those of you visiting for the first time let me introduce myself:
Rey Flores, Microsoft MVP (Windows – Mobile Devices):

Co-Host, The Mobile Community Series:
Board of Experts:
Contributing Editor:
- I've been Co-Chair of our group since March 2003 and MS-MVP since April 2004.
So, if you didn't already know, the reason for our new site is that our original site was hacked twice in the last 30 days so we can only speculate that the forums were inherently unsecure, so now we have a new approach, just in time for Spring!
Anyway, this will serve as our new homepage so that we can alleviate the hosting costs Charles had been putting up for us all this time. I have also joined forces with headed up by fellow MS-MVPs Jaap van Ekris and Bart Martens where we can post helpful articles and tutorials for continued reference - please visit and register on their site too!
Fellow MS-MVP, Chris De Herrera, has graciously offered space on his personal server to host our NEW News and Discussion forum link on the right-hand side.
Our meetings will be posted here and in our forums, provided I have sent out an Evite - no Evite, no meeting so that as not to create any confusion.
There will definitely be a meeting next month, Thursday May 18th @ 6pm and it will focus on the implementation of an Exchange Server and what Windows Mobile devices can be used with it conducted by a fellow MVP and community member Steven Lai.
For your reference, here are the future meeting dates for the year:
Thursday, May 18th 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, June 21st 6pm-9pm
Thursday, July 20th 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, August 16th 6pm-9pm
Thursday, September 21st 6pm-9pm
Wednesday, October 18th 6pm-9pm
Thursday November 16th 6pm-9pm
These dates are reserved for us at the Microsoft offices in downtown SF but the meetings are tentative and subject to change - remember: no Evite, no meeting.
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