Tuesday, May 23, 2006

June meeting pre-notice!

Hi everyone,

I'm just setting up a quick message to let you know that we will be holding our June meeting on the 21st from 6:30pm-9pm @ Microsoft SF.

I'm hoping it will be as lively as you can make it as I would like to see how each of you uses your mobile device or have customized or "pimped" them up!

Prizes will be given to the best customized device and the best suggestion or tip used to improve one's device and you'll be participating in the voting! (What would you think about posting a sneak preview of your device in the new forums?

As per our last meeting, watch out for the Evite...no Evite, no meeting rule in effect ;-)

1 comment:

Robert W. said...

Hi Rey,

I couldn't find a way to e-mail you so I hope you don't mind me leaving you a message on here.

I'm in the final stages of completing my first commercial software package, called "Pocket Pollster". I'm looking for people to test it and have posted a page to this effect here: http://pocketpollster.com/testers.html

Is there a way for me to make this known to people in your user group?


Robert Werner
Pocket Pollster
Vancouver, BC